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Video Transcript:

Good afternoon everyone. It is Friday, December 11.

Unfortunately, it looks like we’re heading for another shutdown here in Pennsylvania and many other places… some businesses such as restaurants, gyms, etc etc. We’ll see where this goes.

We see that the government is going to shut down tonight at 12am if they do not extend the budget through the last week of December. Hopefully that budget will get extended past today by the Senate. We certainly don’t need to add that to wrapping up what has been crazy 2020 with all that is going on with COVID and how that seems to be worsening here as we haven’t seen it yet in this country. Worse than it was when we had to break out initially in the March, April time period.

So, we will all see where that goes all we can do is control our health, our safety. So, we’ll see how that plays out. As far as the economy goes, we continue to see the markets have been pretty strong, as I had mentioned in my last video, I felt that maybe everything had been priced in for the election and it was going to be pretty smooth sailing and that’s pretty much how it played out. We didn’t have a lot of volatility. We haven’t had much volatility since the election. We know that is contested but hopefully by Monday that will all be resolved as the electoral college casts their votes for whoever their state had voted to be the next president. And that should go pretty much as planned. The Supreme Court ruled in July on the validity of the electoral process of electing the president. It was a unanimous vote by the Supreme Court. So, it’s going to happen and it should have us having a new president in office come January.

Also, we see that, globally speaking, the economy has its “haves” and “have nots” as we know… industries that are thriving: housing, autos, construction, technology… and then we have the “have nots”: restaurants, travel, hotels, and real estate are suffering as far as commercial real estate because of the high vacancies. We’ll see where that goes here in the next six months… if it actually helps get everybody back in running somewhat normal as I like to say because I don’t think we’ll get back to normal on some of these things… maybe never… things that fundamentally change the way we live and do things, but again, time will tell.

Charts around the globe are very strong indicating strength in the markets. We have a ton of new monetary policy being put into the mix this week. Japan added $700 billion in new stimulus to what was already 2,200 billion in stimulus that they’ve already injected into the system. We see that the European Central Bank said they expanded their emergency repurchase program by another $500 billion this week. So, when we add it all up, there’s been about $12 trillion injected into the global economies to keep the flow of money going the velocity of money, as it is called moving so that we don’t have major collapses to add to the issues that we have from the pandemic. Those commitments look like they’re set in place at least until 2022. And as I’ve been mentioning in many videos, I feel that the stimulus has been the biggest driver to the markets where they are at. And are they overvalued? Many say yes they’re overvalued. But it is what it is, as I like to say. They can get way more overvalued before we see meaningful corrections.

So, we’re gonna stay the course. As you all know, we’ve been working very hard since before the pandemic broke out to personally manage your assets. What you’ve worked your life for. We have continued to be diligent at doing that…. spending untold 100 hundreds of hours looking at charts, looking at monetary policy, looking at liquidity models… trying to get a beat on what is happening below with the news feed. The news feed, if you listened to that, you’re going to make a lot of mistakes when it comes to investing your money.

So, we’re going to continue along those lines. If we get the additional stimulus that is on a table, if we see that the democrats control the House and Senate in the run off in January here in the United States has about $3.4 trillion of additional stimulus. So when we factor in all the stimulus again it is going to trickle to the markets. And, again we could see some fireworks going off again for much of 2021.

But in the meantime, we’re gonna stay diligent looking for any type of indicators or stresses in the system that we want to be able to avoid. We don’t have a crystal ball over here. It’s not that simple. This is a very tough game… many seasoned hedge funds and mutual fund managers have gotten their clocks cleaned this year. We’ve been relatively well. We’re going to continue to, to try to do the best we can for all of you. I encourage all of you, this weekend’s going to be pretty nice out, the sun’s shining as I’m sitting in my home office. I’m going to get outside, hopefully get a run in here later this afternoon.. encourage all of you to get outside this weekend, get some sunshine, get some fresh air, and WE’LL deal with 2020 as we go day by day. Nothing more, nothing less. If you need anything, please give me a call. I look forward to talking with you if you have any concerns at all. Be safe. Be careful. And again, enjoy the weekend. Take care. Bye bye.